The Electoral College vs the National Popular Vote
The 3 most important questions to consider:
1. Which voting system protects the interests of small states like Utah?
2. What are the facts under pinning both systems, and do they matter? Only if they matter to you...
3. Can either system be exploited?
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact bill has been filed in the Utah Legislature, but hasn't been given a bill number. Giving it a number will make it "public" on legislative tracking venues and encourage detractors to organize pushback and possibly squelch it before it has a chance to make it to a public hearing.
In this way the bill can continue to be "advertised" by its Republican sponsor: Rep: Jeremy Peterson from Ogden and other supporters until the next phase. Email or text him your support, then email or text your own legislators and tell them you support the National Popular Vote Bill for our Utah.
A member of the National Popular Voter organization was in town during the first week of the legislative session (starting Monday the 23rd) to offer legislators informal settings for learning about the bill.
This kind of map makes HUGE portions of the country appear either red or blue, creating a totally misleading representation of party influence by literally painting each state as one political bulwark or another. This further reinforces the inaccurate idea the the Electoral College guards the interests of rural regions against domination by the more densely populated regions.
When people argue against a National Popular Vote, in their minds, they are seeing the Electoral College map. They presume that because big states like California go all blue in an electoral map, they would dominate a national popular vote election. NO state is entirely "red" or "blue" as this kind of map implies
POPULAR VOTE MAP by county 2016
Although a winner-take-all map, it brings vote tallies down to the county level . It shows at a glance, that the country is not a solid patchwork of red and blue, but a mosaic of voting clusters AND open space. Instantly conveying the idea that's there's no such thing as an all red or all blue state on a U.S. map.
Compare and contrast: A map like this shows the difference between vote distribution in an National Popular Vote election and an Electoral College winner-take-all election.
In this map, each circle, red or blue, big or small, contains the vote tallies for all candidates (Dem, Rep, Ind) within a county. In terms of election results, a map like this more realistically represents vote distribution nationwide.
With state boundaries deemphasized and winner-take-all results of the Electoral College ignored, it makes it stunningly clear that the country is just as much sagebrush, prairie, forest and farmland, than Republicans, Democrats or Independents.